Minid (Minimal Viable Identifier)

A minid (Minimal Viable Identifier) is an identifier that is sufficiently simple to make creation and use trivial, while still having enough substance to make data easily findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR).


Minid 2.0.0 Requires Python 3.6 or higher.


Minid Client 2.0.0 is avaialble on PyPI. You can install it with the following command:

$ pip install --pre minid

You can also install the legacy Minid 1.3.0 version with:

$ pip install minid==1.3.0

Alternatively, you can download the source code and install using setup tools:

$ git clone
$ python install

Quick Start

The CLI supports the following simple operations (Note: the –test flag creates names in a test namespace that is removed periodically; remove that flag to create production minids.):

  • Login with Globus:

    $ minid login
  • Create a new identifier:

    $ minid register --test [--title <title>] <file_name> [--locations <loc1>..<locN>]
  • Retrieve metadata about a file:

    $ minid check <file_name>
  • Retrieve metadata about an identifier:

    $ minid check <identifier>
  • Update metadata about an identifier:

    $ minid update [--test] [--title <title>] [--locations <loc1> <loc2>] <identifier>
  • Logout to clear credentials:

    $ minid logout
  • View all minid options:

    $ minid -h

Indices and tables